Individuals have certain rights under the Freedom of Information Act 2014. These rights and how to exercise them are set out below

Individuals have the following rights:

  1. The right to access official records held by governmental departments and listed public bodies.
  2. The right to have personal information relating to them amended where it is incomplete, incorrect or misleading.
  3. The right to be supplied with reasons for decisions made or taken by governmental departments and listed public bodies that affect them.

This is in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2014 (“FOI Act 2014”).

There are exemptions in the FOI Act 2014 where, due to specific circumstances, the requested information will not be released, for example to protect another individualís privacy rights. If any exemptions apply to a request, the reasons will be provided to you by the IFSAT FOI Unit.

How to make an FOI request?

Please download, print and complete the Freedom of Information Application Form

Completed application forms can be submitted by post to:

FOI Officer

Irish Financial Services Appeals Tribunal
First Floor, 4/5 Arran Square
Lincoln Lane
Arran Quay
Dublin 7
D07 CTX4

When completing the application form please ensure to:

  • Specify that the request is being made under the Freedom of Information Act 2014.
  • Give as much detail as possible to support your request to enable the IFSAT FOI Unit to process it efficiently.
  • Be clear enough so that the IFSAT FOI Unit understand what records are being requested.
  • Supply, where you are seeking personal information, the appropriate photographic identification with your request e.g. copy of driving licence and utility bill.
  • Include your return address and contact details to allow the IFSAT FOI Unit to contact you and comply with your request.

Note: IFSAT is not required to search for or provide non-personal records created on or before 21 April 2012. This does not apply to requests for personal information.


What kind of records can be requested under FOI?

  • Records can be in various formats, including but not limited to: paper documents, information held electronically (on computer) and audio-visual material.

How is an FOI request processed by IFSAT?

  • The IFSAT FOI Unit will issue an acknowledgement letter to you within 10 working days (excluding Public Holidays) of your request being received. The next stages of the process will be clearly explained in the acknowledgement letter. A decision regarding your request will normally be issued by the IFSAT FOI Unit within 20 working days of the receipt of your request. In some cases, an extension of time may be necessary to complete the decision. If this occurs while processing your request, the IFSAT FOI Unit will contact you and explain this requirement.

Can a decision be appealed?

  • Yes. If you would like to appeal the decision made, you can do so by sending a request in writing by post. An internal review fee of €30 (€10 for medical card holders*) is applicable when appealing a decision and this fee is to be sent with your written submission to the IFSAT FOI Unit. The appeal process will involve a full reassessment of your original FOI request at a more senior level. No internal review fee applies where the request sought access to your personal records. If, after the internal review, you are unsatisfied with the decision and you would like to appeal again, your appeal should be directed to the Office of the Information Commissioner.

Fees and Payment Methods:

  • There is no charge for submitting a request. In respect of non-personal requests, other charges may be applied for the time spent finding records and for any reproduction costs incurred by the IFSAT FOI Unit in providing you with the material requested (search, retrieval and copying charges). Where fees apply, IFSAT will notify you in writing.

Notes 1. If you are claiming a reduced application fee, the request must be accompanied by the Medical Card registration number and your consent to the verification of these details with the Health Service Executive. 2. A full list of fees is available on request in relation to any specific FOI request. Payment Method / Postal Order / Cheque / Bank Draft Payment should be made payable to: The Irish Financial Services Appeals Tribunal.

Freedom of Information Publication Scheme

IFSAT has prepared and published a Freedom of Information Publication Scheme on its website as per Section 8(7) of the Freedom of Information Act 2014.

Related Documents and Useful Links

For further information on Freedom of Information, please find some useful links below:

Freedom of Information Act

Office of the Information Commissioner

Freedom of Information Central Policy Unit

Contact us

FOI Officer

Irish Financial Services Appeals Tribunal
First Floor, 4/5 Arran Square
Lincoln Lane
Arran Quay
Dublin 7
D07 CTX4


Several sections of this website outline certain aspects of the FOI Act 2014. By doing this IFSAT hopes to assist the public in making an FOI request. These pages are intended as a non-technical guide to certain aspects of the FOI Act 2014. They do not represent a legal interpretation and should not be taken as a definitive representation of anything contained in the FOI Act 2014.

FOI Officer

Irish Financial Services Appeals Tribunal
First Floor, 4/5 Arran Square
Lincoln Lane
Arran Quay
Dublin 7
D07 CTX4

Data Protection

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on 25th May 2018. It provides regulation in relation to personal data including its collection and use by organisations and its protection. You have a right to obtain a copy of any information relating to you kept by IFSAT. If you have an enquiry under the Data Protection Act, please contact us, giving as much detail as possible to enable us to locate your records. Further information on the data held by IFSAT can be found in our Privacy Policy